Brazilian Food Vendors vs Global Fast-Food Giants at the World Cup

Foreign companies that plan to promote their brands during the next World Cup translate documents related to their marketing campaigns into the Portuguese language. Many businesses recognize that professional Portuguese translation will help them present a positive impression to their target market. Professional translators complete translations that are smooth and presentable. One of FIFA’s policy has drawn a lot of attention because it has upset many Brazilians. The Brazilians want FIFA to support their own regional foods such as acaraje rather than products sold by foreigners.

Currently FIFA bans street vendors within two kilometers of the stadiums. The Association of Bahian Female Acaraje Vendors (ABAM) has started a petition to pressue FIFA into allowing its members to occupy space inside venues. Supporters claim that it is unacceptable for FIFA to restrict the sale of a food that is considered a cultural heritage in Brazil to protect the interest of foreign fast-food giants. At a time when the world is anxiously waiting for the next world cup to begin California Center for Translation & Interpretation is translating many documents that soccer aficionados will need to obtain a tourist visa for Brazil. Our translators who perform professional Portuguese translation services can translate any document that you will need as a part of your application for a visa.

They effectively manage your projects whether you request Portuguese translation services for a birth certificate, marriage certificate, or an ID card. You do not even have to be a traveler to request professional translation for Portuguese from us. We also serve businesses whose international expansion is taking them into the Portuguese-speaking countries. Effective communication is an integral element in international business. If you are looking for professional Portuguese translation services for any purpose, please contact us to learn more about us and our services. Our customer service representatives promptly respond to your questions about Portuguese translations and interpretations.

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