Individuals who were born in Russia and hold their birth certificate in the Russian language often look for professional Russian translation when they move to the United States. They sometimes need the certified translation of their personal documents for employment or immigration purposes. A non-English birth certificate from Russia that will be presented before the immigration authorities has to be attached to the English translation plus the professional translator’s declaration.
Another type of document that Russians might wish to get translated is a marriage license. A marriage certificate is sometimes required for immigration purposes. People who are working on a family based visa and obtained their marriage certificate in a Russian-speaking country often need to have the document translated into English. Translators who have solid experience in the translation of Russian documents commonly can translate birth certificates and marriage licenses. They are competent in translating from Russian and English and familiar with the terminology used in various types of documents. Therefore, they can use their strong language skills to translate birth certificates and marriage licenses from Russian to English.
Certified translations for US immigration matters
Russian speakers who would like to submit the translation of a document in their native language to USCIS should make sure that the company they contact complies with the most updated rules of immigration. We have translated documents for USCIS for many years and know the requirements of immigration authorities. We have translated birth certificates and other documents from Russian to English for many clients.
Certified English to Russian Translations
Some translators offer English to Russian translations as well. While they do not carry out English to Russian translations for immigration purposes, they work with this combination for clients who hope to present a document to Russian-speakers. An example of a document that a party might be interested in getting translated into Russian is a user’s manual. Entities that intend to introduce a new product to the Russian-speaking market might try to get the manual translated into the local language. Document translation is relevant to entities that want to communicate clearly with their Russian-speaking audience.
CACFTI’s experience in Russian translations
California Center for Translation & Interpretation has translated Russian documents into English. Our translators who possess advanced knowledge of both Russian and English are capable of delivering high-quality translations. They are interested in helping you get the best translations. We can be trusted with the translation of your Russian-language documents. Please feel free to contact us for more information about our Russian translation services or to get an estimate. We aim to provide smooth and sensible translations for all types of documents. Please let us know if you need professional translation for Russian. We also support all the other major world languages. We are confident that you will be pleased with our certified translations for your Russian-language documents.