Individuals who have earned a degree in a foreign country and are ready to apply to a law school in the United States often seek document translation services from a professional company. Some law schools require certified and notarized translations for documents that were issued abroad in a foreign language. Candidates who have learned that they need a certified and notarized translation should pass on this information to their service provider. They should also make sure that the translator has extensive experience in academic translations. Schools in some foreign countries make a distinction between a certificate and a diploma. Translators who execute the translation of documents issued by schools should know the difference between the two types of degrees and take those distinctions into account when they work on documents for international applicants.
In some regions a certificate is issued to students who complete a program but have not earned an official degree. Maybe they did not take or pass the completion exam. A diploma, on the other hand, is considered an official document. Students who obtain a diploma are legally recognized as holders of the degree. Translators who translate academic documents for schools in the United States should be aware of this subtle difference. While they are translating documents issued in foreign schools they should note whether they are certificates or diplomas. Accuracy is crucial to the success of translators who provide services for international students. Applicants who wish to apply to U.S schools should keep this point in mind as they look for a translator for the translation of their diploma, certificate, or other school related documents. The best translators are the ones who have extensive experience in the language pair you are considering and are dedicated to delivering high-quality translations.
California Center for Translation & Interpretation has completed the translation of many certificates and diplomas from foreign languages to English. With our team of skilled translators who are truly dedicated to providing top-quality translations, we are ready to serve you. Our translators are fluent in the source and target languages they work with. They always put their best effort into their work, consistently providing excellent translations for various types of documents. We encourage you to get in touch with us if you need to have an academic degree translated. We are confident in our translators’ ability to impress you with their translation skills. Please let us know if you have questions about our document translation services. We support many languages.