Although we can handle the translation of various types of documents, we receive many inquiries about our certified translation services for birth certificates. Many immigration lawyers from all over the United States reach out to us about the translation of birth certificates from foreign languages into English. Immigration lawyers in Los Angeles who speak Spanish usually assist immigrants who need to have their personal documents translated from Spanish into English. Whether they practice in Los Angeles or any other city they can render our translation services. Our process is very simple: immigration lawyers or their assistants can scan and email us a copy of the birth certificates. We respond with a quote and turnaround time. They ask us to proceed and make payment.
We email back the translated document. We expect our clients to review the translated document before we prepare the hard copy because we want to make sure that our translators got the spellings of names and conversion of dates correctly. We do not have doubts about our translators’ attention to detail. The reason we prefer to have the clients look over the English translation of the birth certificate is that multiple spellings might be possible when we translate from foreign languages into English. The client has to review the document and let us know whether the spellings we have suggested are correct. If we need to make revisions, we will do so as soon as possible and then start preparing the hard copy. We attach a copy of the original foreign-language document to the English translation. We also staple our standard certification, which follows the guidelines of USCIS, on top. Finally, we stamp and seal all the pages. Some immigration lawyers prefer to receive the hard copy in the mail. Others prefer to have both the electronic and the hard copy.
Please let us know if you would like to have both. The translation of contracts is usually more involved than translating a birth certificate. Sometimes clients are not sure what exactly needs to be included in the contract. They could send us several versions of the document or they could keep adding pages to the original contract. While we enjoy the challenge of taking more complex projects, the translation of birth certificates is sometimes a good break for us! We follow our standard procedure when it comes to translating birth certificates. The clients won’t be adding pages to the original birth certificate. They cannot revise the original content either. California Center for Translation & Interpretation is dedicated to providing top-quality translation services for birth certificates, contracts, and more. We are ready to assist individuals and organizations around the world with their translation needs. Please contact us about our certified translation services.